Cannabis is a Tree of Life. A strategic resource and a sacred plant.
Tigerdrops offers Kiwis world leading products at world leading prices. The best way to get them cheaper is to grow your own. Which we recommend.
If you can find Tigerdrops equal cheaper, we will match it.
CSC holders, ask about our special offers.
Tigerdrops grew out of my work with the Hemp Please see my Holy Hemp Oils above, and a black story of nz pharma politics below. We get the nation; and enjoy the rights and reponsibilities; that we earn.
Cannabis Sativa is freed of all controls by international treaty when grown for horticultural purposes; although in NZ it is a prohibited food. Despite being perhaps the most perfect food plant in the world. These are two examples of the Cannabis paradox. There are many more.
Like, did our Ministry of Health do moral and legal fraud to deny us foods for life and health, in a time of health crisis? To create a pharmaceutical monopoly? Evidence suggests yes.
In 2016, our Food Safety Authority (fsanz) recognised cbd was safe, beneficial (for pain, cancer, more) was good food; and could legally be food.
But Medsafe, determined to stop it, said no. It can’t be food. It’s a controlled drug. So it can’t be a food, a supplement, or a herbal remedy.
Meaning, it could only ever be a pharmaceutical. Which is an example of cartel formation for which a regulator gets a financial benefit at a cost to the public that also strikes at the idea of a public right to health. It specifically locates New Zealanders as consumer units, not sovereign citizens of worth. Tigerdrops does not like this. Do you?
But! ESR, the police forensic laboratory, told Medsafe to fuck off; because it was not a controlled drug (according to science and law).
So Medsafe seems to have conjured a legal fist in the velvet glove, from fiction. Which its kept the source code for hidden from scrutiny. Seemingly a perverse interpretation of international law, its hidden behind legal privilege. Initially as due to "no public interest", but "legally priviliged" these days.
However, FSANZ accepted this false assertion. As a controlled drug, from then, CBD could not be present over 75 milligrams per 1000 grams (KG) of food.
NB. That was 2016, but kiwi farm produced CBD oils appear to have been legal in Nz until 2018. This was the year govt promised 'to legalise medical cannabis". Which meant making hemp extracts into pharmaceuticals; and blocking farmers from making CBD foods.
Until then, the hemp regs allowed hemp farmers “to make any product of hemp.”
Afterwards? Only MedCan cos.
June 2024 letter to FSANZ below
Dear Team, greetings.
Hopefully this finds you well.
In 2016, FSANZ made clear in the initial proposal for P1042 that the Ministerial Forum had requested it set a limit on CBD in low THC Hemp Foods, "to distinguish between a food and therapeutic avoid blurring the line between food and therapeutic."
FSANZ noted in turn that, while agreeable in theory, it was not within FSANZ power to deny the public access to safe and beneficial compounds; which CBD (Cannabidiol) clearly is/was. Therefore, FSANZ noted, any prohibition on its part without just cause could likely be undone in the courts.
At this point, it appears that MedSafe NZ resorted to what may be a combination of fraud, malfeasance, or criminal nuisance.
Specifically, despite expert internal advice to the contrary, MedSafe/MedLegal falsely asserted black was white; and it was opposite day for International Treaties like UNSCN 1961, the European Court of Justice, and common sense.
By falsely asserting CBD to be a controlled drug under UNSCN. Which would of course prohibit its inclusion in foods, or its availability as supplements or herbal remedies.
Fortunately, ESR (the NZ police forensic laboratory), then tried to "white knight" the situation.
Having independently arrived at the same conclusions as Mr Fake, ESR vigorously contested MedSafes position.
Such was their rigor in this matter that the General Manager of ESR, Dr Keith Bedford, even ended up making a statement to the High Court on it.
To circumvent this inconvenient reality, MedSafe gave FSANZ reason to agree that CBD was a controlled drug. Via a legal opinion that seems likely a perverse interpretation of international law.
This legal opinion however - to the best of my knowledge - has never been seen by anyone outside of MedSafe, and has been persistently hidden from public examination. Initially by the justification of "no public interest", and more recently under "legal privilege".
However, legal privilege cannot be used to obscure a fraud.
Legal privilege cannot be used to hide a crime.
Accordingly a formal complaint was made to the director general of health in October 2023, and a complaint laid with the ombudsman's office in february 2022.
Suggesting an inability to confront reality, the DGs reply several months later ignored the assertions and evidence. The Ombudsman continues to grind on.
This email is to serve three purposes.
Firstly, if you have a copy of the legal opinion used by MedSafe to convince you that CBD is a controlled drug this is an OIA request for it.
In 2020, fyi, the European Court of Justice found it would be counter to UNSCN to consider CBD a controlled drug.
Secondly, this email is to request that you stand by your standards and values to correct what appears a serious malfeasance. There is an ongoing market failure in health, as can be observed by our national health statistics and the constant financial complaints of health care professionals and politicians. There is also an ongoing market failure in the "medicinal cannabis market", with patients, companies, and the industry complaining about regulatory obstructionism, inaccessibility and unaffordability. It appears that there has not been "genuine, effective two way engagement" on this issue.
Thirdly, in the 1990s, Japan, with a community mindset, created foods with special health characteristics. To reduce the physical, financial, and pharmaceutical harms of their aging population. It is now an 8 billion USD domestic market. I attach some information here, and request you consider how FSANZ might create something similar, or better, in NZ; a country that produces famously many natural health products and quality foods; while also having multiple health crises and an unwillingness to tax the rich enough to have a disease management system that works properly. It seems we have rooms for improvement in public service outcomes, and domestic industry.
Finally, please find all source documents (OIAs) for this complaint on the splash page of
I hope to hear from you soon, and I hope that FSANZ proves to embody the same high standards of public service as ESR has.
Yours sincerely,
Tadhg Stopford
Here in NZ, Tigerdrops are Novelty Cannabis Collectables, "for political discourse."
eg. "Why are Hemp extracts like CBG prohibited foods in NZ?"
In America and Europe, they are cosmetic and supplement type products.
As a historian, Im also pleased to offer you Tigerdrops as 'Holy Hemp Oils', in accordance with Scripture. Its crazy, but its true. Cannabis is sacred to many major religions, including Judeo-Christianity and Hinduism; and cultures throughout Eurasia and Western Europe.
On this site you will find historical evidence that may challenge your worldview, but its worth exploring. Hemp is truly Sacred. Its more important than you may think. Use Tigerdrops religiously (at dusk and dawn), and Peace be with us.
The history of Hemp is one that leads to ideas of sovereignty, and Constitutional rights and responsibilities.
To use your holy hemp oil: start low, go slow, and let god guide you.
Owing to *politics* payment is by Bank transfer only. Payment details are provided after you complete your order. Thank you for your understanding.
'Tigerdrops are not intended for consumption, or the treatment or prevention of any disease or condition.'
Tigerdrops aims to raise $200,000 for a Judicial Review of what seems govt funny business over Hemp. (Or else get around to writing it myself for cheaper, but its a hassle and im busy right now. Steadily in view...) So please, support my work by purchasing Tigerdrops and "spreading the gospel of hemp" to your family and friends. You can find out how and why at
Thank you for your trust.
CSC holders, drop me a line. Yes. NZs rarest and Holiest Hemp Oils are at Tigerdrops. This is a labour of love rooted in my family history, personal experience, and the inspiring work of Helen Kelly. Her courageous truth telling led me to found both the Hemp Foundation, and Tigerdrops Hemp.
OIAs show Mrs Kelly was denied food grade CBD/THC products from the USA for her lung cancer. Ironic, given evidence suggests CBD and THC could have potentially saved her life. See here, here, here, and here.
Bizarrely, those same OIAs also show the Ministry of Health sought and received "Ethics approval" that if any US or EU food grade products were eventually approved for any patient in New zealand, that this 'would not set a precedent'.
Furthermore, the same year that Ms Kelly was being denied food grade products for her lung cancer, NZs own Ministry of Health seems to have potentially committed Criminal Nuisance and/or Public Malfeasance to ensure that every ANZAC was denied Cannabinoids as foods. By a seemingly perverse interpretation of international law.
"to distinguish between a food and a therapeutic avoid blurring the line between food and therapeutic" ....despite the Food Regulator knowing them to be both safe and beneficial.
This apparent fraud was later cemented when the 2006 Hemp Regulations were broken under the guise of 'legalising medical cannabis'. Counter to public perceptions at the time, what this meant was that Hemp farmers lost their existing legal right to make 'any product of hemp', and all privileges for extracting compounds from hemp fell to 'medical cannabis companies'. Thus ensuring an inquitable and unfair pharmaceutical monopoly.
Might the Ministry have a conflict of interest? $10m of its $12.2m total budget comes from 'third party revenue', which sounds fraught. Seems worth a look? If most funding of MedSafe (the brain of MoH) is reliant on industry; Might it be a genuine problem for them if cannabis reduced many medicine sales? We can fix this by funding them. Which we can do. Its our financial system. But when the bankers beat us in the 80s and 90s, and broke us down from Citizens to consumers, did we forgot that fact? It doesnt have to be rigged against us. But, if we want change, we should probably stand up for the public interest being served in public service. Markets can be a bull that ploughs, or a leopard that eats our faces. We should choose carefully. Its a strange thing that forty years of neoliberal market reforms has destroyed public monopolies to create private monopolies.With most of us getting poorer as a result, and our infrastructure falling apart.
Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine said "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Because the physician tends, but nature mends." How odd that our public servants should seek to deny us natural justice by deceit. Lets improve things.
Please support the Hemp Foundation by spreading the gospel of Hemp; and by purchasing Tigerdrops Novelty Cannabis Collectables and Holy Hemp OIls.
Click the button below to see our Holy Hemp Oils and NCCs.
Thanks, tadhg