Holy Blog - Tigerdrops CBD Explained
What is Tigerdrops Holy Hemp CBG CBD oil?
'CBD' can mean many things.
It can mean Central Business District, corticobasal degeneration, and many other things.
A CBD of recent public interest is Cannabidiol, which is a type of Cannabinoid (another CBD!) both of which come from Hemp / Cannabis Sativa, as does Tigerdrops CBG CBD! (Chrism By Design).
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a Cannabinoid; as is (THC) Tetrahydrocannabinol, but; there are over 180 other cannabinoids found in Hemp/Cannabis. Cannabinoids reportedly occur widely in food plants (including black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, echinacea, broccoli, kale, chocolate and more), but sparsely. They are only abundant in Cannabis, the plant from which they take their name.
Cannabinoids are essential molecules in all mammals.
They are made inside our bodies from omega 3 & 6s, and they regulate normal function - they are vital signalling molecules - which is why ‘cannabis’ is associated with a hard to believe range of therapeutic benefits; from anxiety and pain through depression, psychosis, cancer, inflammation, and more. Supporting your cannabinoid system allows your cannabinoid to support your normal health.
THC is the main cannabinoid found in 'Marijuana' / female Cannabis Sativa var indica. Cannabidiol is the main cannabinoid found in Hemp / Cannabis Sativa.
Many people do not yet understand that Hemp is Cannabis Sativa; in the same way that a Thoroughbred and a Clydesdale are both horses.
So, confusingly, both Cannabidiol and Cannabinoids can be CBD oils. This is not well known, and is further confused by Tigerdrops Holy Hemp CBD oil, which is different again; and does not contain Cannabidiol.
Cannabidiol/CBD oils are legal in New Zealand, but you will need a prescription from a licensed medical professional for a Cannabidiol oil, and for most Cannabinoid oils in New Zealand. These products are different to Tigerdrops in that they are 'medical cannabis' products.
This means that medical cannabis products like CBD or THC medicines are prescribed by a doctor to treat a specific disease or condition.
In many other countries however, (eg. USA, EU, UK, CAN) these medical cannabis products are freely available (online and in convenience stores/malls) dietary supplements.
For a first world farming country, New Zealands cannabis regulations seems strangely inappropriate for a sacred plant, an important herb and food crop.
For example, the NZ Hemp industry has been suffocated by MedSafe since 2008. Its world leading Hemp regulations were disabled and destroyed by MedSafe (Medicinescontrol@moh.govt.nz), meaning kiwi hemp farmers have been largely prevented from making profits, and totally prevented from helping kiwis = ie. competing for the 'market share' that pharma controls.
Another example: NZs leading CBD (Cannabidiol) importing companies (MedLeaf, Nubu, and Eqalis) cannot supply their patients any longer from the first of October 2021, after having done so for several years without any significant adverse health events. Despite a stellar safety record, they must destroy their stock and abandon their patients to what will now become effectively a monopoly market. (This para is now outdated, but has been left to illustrate the crazy system)
Because no NZ medical cannabis company has any products yet, and has to follow such an arduous regulatory path that their products will likely be expensive, and possibly not very good. (UPDATE: mad respect to Porou of E3C / East Coast Cannabis Company, Josiah Spackman of Chill Division, and all the other great growewrs out there who are leading the way with primo NZ type 1 Cannabis.)
Highly placed sources suggest that the first ‘nz made’ CBD products may turn out to be Australian isolate, repackaged by Helius Therapeutics. Helius is on record as having advocated against another extension for the current products in the market.
It seems many kiwis may be forced back into the black market to treat their often chronic conditions.
There are very limited 'MedSafe grade' products, and so far they're difficult to access and costly, with MedSafe seeming to favour slowly enabling monopolies rather than taking a public service health based approach.
Therefore, for people seeking to buy 'Medical Cannabis' / CBD / THC products, Tigerdrops recommends contacting these good doctors:
Dr Graham Gulbransen: Dr@cannabiscare.nz
Dr Simon Bristow & Dr Birgit McConnachie: www.korumedical.co.nz
Dr Anna Harvey: anna.harvey@cannabisclinic.co.nz
However, Cannabis Sativa is an ancient and sacred plant, with value beyond the mere medical prescription of Cannabidiol / CBD and THC / Thetrahydrocannabinol.
Indeed, its value is incalculable. Hemp / Cannabis has been an influential part of many religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Scythian/Ashkenazi, Christianity, Egyptian, Rastafari, etc. etc). Hemp extracts are a key base of the holy oil of the Jews, as given to Moses by God with the Ten Commandments.
In the Catholic and Anglican traditions, Holy oils are called Chrism. As churches have become tools of oppression rather than liberation, however, so their chrisms have become purely symbolic; where once they were holy.
Tigerdrops CBD is Chrism By Design. It’s a unique and holy product, inspired by history & scripture.
Unlike medical cannabis CBD products, Tigerdrops Holy Hemp CBD is a Holy Hemp Oil; based on the biblical recipe for the Holy Oil of the Old Testament.
This recipe was given to Moses in 1500BC at the same time as the Ten Commandments, just after Moses spoke with God in a burning bush (Exodus 30:23, Kaneh bosem).
Kaneh Bosem, fragrant cane, Cannabis Sativa, Hemp, was an essential part of that Holy Oil; with nine pounds of it used in a mere ten litres of olive oil.
Tigerdrops CBD contains Hemp extracts like CBG / Cannabigerol, CBC / Cannabichromene, CBT / Cannabicitran, Cannabigerolic Acid, and terpenes.
Chrism By Design contains no Cannabidiol, which until recently was a controlled drug, and is now a prescription medicine.
In time it will contain more Hemp extracts, and then eventually Myrrh, Cassia, and Cinnamon.
Peace be with you / Spread the Gospel of Hemp
Tigerdrops products appear legal in NZ, EU, CAN, USA, UK.
Tigerdrops Holy Hemp Oils are prohibited foods in New Zealand and Australia.
Not intended for the treatment or prevention of any disease or condition.
Use Religiously.
(Also Available as a Novelty Canna Collectable, get yours while stocks last).
Hi Vicky! …Thats a great question! Tigerdrops are unique, and most people seem to feel an increased sense of Peace with Tigerdrops in their lives. Others, like myself, also get excited about how novel and collectable these products are. After all, our government has taken some remarkable steps to prevent New zealanders from accessing products like this-so its a real thrill and privilege for me to have my own collection, and to be able to offer it to others.
Just wondering what your clients are saying about the kinds of benefits Tiger Drops are giving them? What are they good for?