Cannabis is a Tree of Life. A strategic resource and a sacred plant.

Tigerdrops offers Kiwis world leading products at world leading prices. The best way to get them cheaper is to grow your own. Which we recommend.

If you can find Tigerdrops equal cheaper, we will match it. Overseas purchasers, we can supply Britain, Europe, and the USA too. Possibly others. Ask us!

CSC holders, ask about our special "deals".

Tigerdrops grew out of my work with the Hemp

Cannabis Sativa is freed of all controls by international treaty when grown for horticultural purposes; although in NZ it is a prohibited food. Despite being perhaps the most perfect food plant in the world. These are two examples of the Cannabis paradox. There are many more.

Like, did our Ministry of Health do moral and legal fraud to deny us foods for life and health, in a time of health crisis? To create a pharmaceutical monopoly? Evidence suggests yes.

Any Americans reading this; please note that the current talk to reschedule Cannabis to 'Schedule 3' seems likely to lead to a similar outcome, where C.Sativa becomes a pharmaceutical.

In 2016, our Food Safety Authority (fsanz) recognised cbd was safe, beneficial (for pain, cancer, more) was good food; and could legally be food.

But Medsafe, determined to stop it, said no. It can’t be food. It’s a controlled drug. So it can’t be a food, a supplement, or a herbal remedy.

Meaning, it could only ever be a pharmaceutical. Which seems an example of cartel formation for which a regulator gets a financial benefit at a cost to the public that also strikes at the idea of a public right to health. It specifically locates New Zealanders as consumer units, not sovereign citizens of worth. Tigerdrops does not like this. Do you?

But! ESR, the police forensic laboratory, told Medsafe to fuck off; because it was not a controlled drug (according to science and law). Independently, they had come to the same conclusions as medsafes internal expert. (Citations/sources are at end of text)

So Medsafe seems to have conjured a legal fist in the velvet glove, from fiction. Which its kept the source code for hidden from scrutiny. Seemingly a perverse interpretation of international law, its hidden behind legal privilege. Initially withheld as being of "no public interest", it's "legally privileged" these days.

However, FSANZ accepted its false assertion, and has never seen the opinion. CBD became a contolled drug, and the pathways to foods and herbal remedies were locked shut. As a controlled drug, only 75 milligrams CBD was permitted per 1000 grams (KG) of food. Well below the 120mg therapeutic dose.

However, kiwi hemp farm CBD oils were legal until 2018. This was due to the 2006 Hemp Regs permitting "any product of industrial hemp" under the then license conditions.

But MedSafe threatened famers with huge fines if they did.

It gets more obvious though. In 2018, the govt promised 'to legalise medical cannabis".

This sounds good.

But what actually happened was, laws and licenses were changed, and only licensed drug companies could extract hemp extracts; as pharmaceuticals.

These are the strictest rules in the world. They have wasted many millions of dollars, and stopped farmers from providing CBD to the people. which has seen many tens of millions of dollars wasted by medical cannabis companies so far.

Until then, the hemp regs allowed hemp farmers “to make any product of hemp.”
Afterwards? Only MedCan cos.

Here in NZ, Tigerdrops are Novelty Cannabis Collectables, "for political discourse."

eg. "Why are Hemp extracts like CBG prohibited foods in NZ?"

In America and Europe, they are cosmetic and supplement type products.

As a historian, Im also pleased to offer you Tigerdrops as 'Holy Hemp Oils', in accordance with Scripture. Its crazy, but its true. Cannabis is sacred to many major religions, including Judeo-Christianity and Hinduism; and cultures throughout Eurasia and Western Europe.

On this site you will find historical evidence that may challenge your worldview, but its worth exploring. Hemp is truly Sacred. Its more important than you may think. Use Tigerdrops religiously (at dusk and dawn), and Peace be with us.

The history of Hemp is one that leads to ideas of sovereignty, and Constitutional rights and responsibilities.

To use your holy hemp oil: start low, go slow, and let god guide you.

Owing to *politics* payment is by Bank transfer only. Payment details are provided after you complete your order. Thank you for your understanding.

'Tigerdrops are not intended for consumption, or the treatment or prevention of any disease or condition.'

Tigerdrops needs to raise $20 - $200,000 for the Judicial Review of what seems govt funny business over Hemp. Its c.20k if I do it, and its c.200k if a lawyer does it. Im probably going to do it myself. So, please, support my work by purchasing Tigerdrops and "spreading the gospel of hemp" to your family and friends. They gave us pharma grade, now we need food grade. You can find out more at, although it does need a big update. Soon!...

Thank you for your trust.

Yes. NZs rarest and Holiest Hemp Oils are at Tigerdrops. This is a labour of love rooted in my family history, personal experience, and the inspiring work of Helen Kelly. Her courageous truth telling led me to found both the Hemp Foundation, and Tigerdrops Hemp.

OIAs show Mrs Kelly was denied food grade CBD/THC products from the USA for her lung cancer. Ironic, given evidence suggests CBD and THC could have potentially saved her life. See here, here, here, and here.

Bizarrely, those same OIAs also show the Ministry of Health sought and received "Ethics approval" that if any US or EU food grade products were eventually approved for any patient in New zealand, that this 'would not set a precedent'.

Furthermore, the same year that Ms Kelly was being denied food grade products for her lung cancer, NZs own Ministry of Health seems to have potentially committed Criminal Nuisance and/or Public Malfeasance to ensure that every ANZAC was denied Cannabinoids as foods. By a seemingly perverse interpretation of international law.

"to distinguish between a food and a therapeutic avoid blurring the line between food and therapeutic" ....despite the Food Regulator knowing them to be both safe and beneficial.

This apparent fraud was later cemented when the 2006 Hemp Regulations were broken under the guise of 'legalising medical cannabis'. Counter to public perceptions at the time, what this meant was that Hemp farmers lost their existing legal right to make 'any product of hemp', and all privileges for extracting compounds from hemp fell to 'medical cannabis companies'. Thus ensuring an inquitable and unfair pharmaceutical monopoly.

Might the Ministry have a conflict of interest? $10m of its $12.2m total budget comes from 'third party revenue', which sounds fraught. Seems worth a look? If most funding of MedSafe (the brain of MoH) is reliant on industry; Might it be a genuine problem for them if cannabis reduced many medicine sales? We can fix this by funding them. Which we can do. Its our financial system. But when the bankers beat us in the 80s and 90s, and broke us down from Citizens to consumers, did we forgot that fact? It doesnt have to be rigged against us. But, if we want change, we should probably stand up for the public interest being served in public service. Markets can be a bull that ploughs, or a leopard that eats our faces. We should choose carefully. Its a strange thing that forty years of neoliberal market reforms has destroyed public monopolies to create private monopolies.With most of us getting poorer as a result, and our infrastructure falling apart.

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine said "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Because the physician tends, but nature mends." How odd that our public servants should seek to deny us natural justice by deceit. Lets improve things.

Please support the Hemp Foundation by spreading the gospel of Hemp; and by purchasing Tigerdrops Novelty Cannabis Collectables and Holy Hemp OIls.

Click the button below to see our Holy Hemp Oils and NCCs.

Thanks, tadhg

  • Hemps Mysteries & Miracles.

    Jesus Healing the Blind under Kaneh Bosem, in the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Monreale, in Sicily. 1177 AD.

    Famous Polish scholar Sula Benet traced the emptymology of Cannabis/Kaneh Bosem back to the Semitic peoples. Cannabis Sativa is a treasure of human history. 'Sativa' means 'cultivated'. Our most ancient and important crops are 'Sativas'. (eg. Oats, rice, garlic, peas, lettuce,....) and Kaneh Bosem was known to the Hebrew people; up until the time of King Soloman, greatest and wisest of Kings. As proven by sacred archaological alters marked with burned Cannabis.

    Cannabis Sativa's sacred nature is also recorded in the mosaics of a thousand year old UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Basilica di Monreale of Sicily.

    Built by King William II of Sicily, it was blessed by Pope Alexander III, Pope Lucius III, and Pope Clement IV.

    The Cathedral contains many images of Kaneh Bosem / the Tree of Life, (and psychedelic mushrooms abound in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve).

    Early (Gnostic) Christians held that the 'divine spark' is in each of us. They sought self realisation as human beings, and used entheogens for mystic revelations of divine human connection with the universe and each other. The value of these experiences is now being proven by modern science.

    Evil is always with us though, and within a couple of hundred years Pope 'Innocent VIII' was persecuting hags ('wise women') for sorcery ('Pharmakeia') across Europe.

    In this atmosphere, Hemp / Cannabis / Kaneh Bosem was purged from the Church (which took up Ursury, and Indulgences) and its history; even though it was a vital ingredient in the Holy Oil of Moses.

    Use it Religiously.

    Cannabis is Holy, a sacred plant, a functional food, and a strategic resource. Offering us all independence; it's safe, prohibited, and privatised. Hemp is Cannabis, biblical Kaneh Bosem. Kaneh is one of the oldest root words in human history. Because it is our oldest and most useful crop, Hemp/Cannabis is a resource in a burning world.

    It is a tree of Life.

  • Holy Oil: Cannabis Sativa

    The Holy Oil of the Jews was given to Moses by a burning bush. Or so he said. The recipe is for several kilos each of five sacred plants. Myrrh, Cinnamon, Cassia Fistula, Cannabis Sativa, Olive oil. The Hebrew Torah has the recipe, but not the Greek or English translations, in Exodus, 30: 22-23. Anointing with Holy oil made a Messiah, as it did also Kings. 'Messiah' means 'anointed', And Christ is a translation of Messiah. The Ark of the Covenant was anointed with Holy Oil, as was the Tent of the Tabernacle; and much Kaneh Bosem/Cannabis incense was also burned for Yahweh/Jehovah and his wife Asherah, according to Scripture, and resinous remains found on sacred alters at the Shrine of Arad prove it. The Tent of the Tabernacle seems to have been whats called a "hot box" today.

    The Nag Hammadi Library tells us Jesus Christ sent his followers out with pouches of Oil to "heal the sick in my name, that they might follow me'. Heaven knows what he meant by that. But Cannabis seems likely to have been involved, and an old school concern for humanity.

    Perhaps the Times of Israel is right, when it tells us Jesus was "Panteras prodigy" in the temple; the bastard child of a Roman legionary. This 'outsider' status may explain his willingness to challenge authority; to whip the money changers from the Temple, to use the priests Holy Oil for healing the common people, and to challenge the moneyed class by proclaiming 'the year of the Lord' in Nazareth. AKA a Debt Jubilee year. 

    Usually proclaimed by Kings, Jubilees protected the people from the debt trap of financial elites. Is this why those elites accused Jesus of setting himself up as 'King of the Jews', and demanding his death?

    The assasination of Julius Caesar bears similarities to Jesus murder; in that he too was taking action to secure the oppressed majority of his people against the neoliberal oligarchs of the day. Hence his popularity with the previously exploited and abused masses. he embodied the Platonic ideals of the Pursuit of Virtue Over Wealth; until he made himself Dictator for life anyway, and then found himself dead.

    Plato's critique of wealth addiction and oligarchy is fundamentally about the moral and ethical corruption that arises when individuals or societies prioritize material wealth over virtue, wisdom, and the common good.

    Guarding Against Excess: A key aspect of Plato's philosophy is the concept of moderation and the dangers of excess, whether in terms of wealth, power, or personal desires. His ideal society is one in which resources and opportunities are distributed in a way that ensures the well-being of all citizens, not just a privileged few.

    Education and Moral Development

    For Plato, the antidote to greed and the pursuit of unjust power is education—specifically, an education that nurtures wisdom, ethical understanding, and a sense of duty towards the common good.

    Which brings us back to the Jubilee Jesus proclaimed in Nazareth. All personal (not commercial) debts were erased in a Jubilee. Luke 4:17–19 as: 'The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.

    Many people have heard of the Rosetta Stone, but few know what it said. The Rosetta Stone proclaimed a Jubilee year in three languages. It thus gave us the key to deciphering hieroglyphics, but it tells a story of economic regeneration. Of freedom from predatory finance, and economic polarisation. Both of which we seem to suffer from since 1984, when the bankers won.

    Let's improve things. We can. Knowledge is power. Truth is justice. Corruption is death.

    What would Jesus do?

  • The Cannabis Paradox

    The Cannabis Paradox is a blog published on regarding what seems like a fraud by our regulators and - at the least - unethical behaviour by our politicians  

    The Cannabis Paradox is a blog published on regarding what seems like a fraud by our regulators and - at the least - unethical behaviour by our politicians  

  • Update on Ombudsman / CBD fraud

    Update on Ombudsman / CBD fraud

    Objective: To present evidence that the Ministry of Health (MoH) has enforced an unduly restrictive classification of cannabidiol (CBD) via a seemingly perverse legal opinion. This deceptive opinion was urgently...

    Update on Ombudsman / CBD fraud

    Objective: To present evidence that the Ministry of Health (MoH) has enforced an unduly restrictive classification of cannabidiol (CBD) via a seemingly perverse legal opinion. This deceptive opinion was urgently...

  • An injustice of the system?

    Did MoH tell fibs to deny us Cannabinoid foods and remedies?

    An injustice of the system?

    Did MoH tell fibs to deny us Cannabinoid foods and remedies?

1 of 3
  • Peace be with us